Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Got Lights?

Fall is a mixed bag for me. On the one hand I love the weather, on the other I know that the Autumn brings with it trouble and headaches in all it's different forms for my line of work.
I used to be able to just sit and enjoy a soft Fall rain shower and listen with ease to the thunderheads roll by.
Now when the Fall weather comes, I can see in my mind's eye the rain mixing with the dust and dirt that has accumilated over the summer on the insulators and the crossarms. Electricity begins to track through the muddy mix and burn the wood. Spots that have already been weakened through the years now burn through, break and fall. Arcing is seen, explosions are heard, and someone's lights go out.
Now I get up and make sure my work clothes have been washed and that I have an extra shirt and a pair of socks ready to go. This because I know that the phone is going to ring and it will be for me as my girls holler: "Dad! it's work calling!" Then I am off and running til who knows when.
Shelly asks if she should count on me being there for dinner and the answer is invariably, no. The girls go to bed that night and dad is not home. They get up and head off to school and dad is still not home. Someone's lights still aren't on.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hello! perfect!

As you can see I have been doing a bit of practicing on uploading pictures. I think I have it down now. Hello! makes it pretty simple to get the job done.
Now to figure out the rest of the tricks to making this blog spot look the way that I want it. That should come with time.

Falyn's 15th B-day Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

Pugslee & Wenzdae Posted by Picasa

Farah, me, and Falyn Posted by Picasa

Me and Pugslee, one of my two pugs. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Surfing the Blogger Wave!

Wow is this ever easy.
Who would have thought that just about anyone in the world with a computer could access my words, musings, mistakes with grammar. The next thought after that is: Who would want to?

I think I shall make an attempt anyway, if for nothing else than to give my daughters a good laugh at their fathers expense.
Don't ask for more just now this could be like checking my e-mail... days could go by.