Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What I Think About It

Sometimes I find one that says just what I think.

Memo To Foes Of Health Reform: Repudiate The Morality Of Need

By Yaron Brooks and Don Watkins Posted 12/28/2009 06:47 PM ET

In the run-up to the Senate's passage of the health care bill, opponents of ObamaCare denounced it as an unprecedented expansion of government control over medicine.

They warned of the proven consequences of government medicine, pointing to the rationing that occurs in Canada and Europe.

They pointed to the low cancer survival rates in places like Britain. They cited statistic after statistic showing that ObamaCare will raise costs and lower health care quality in America.

They were right — yet it looks like Obama will get his bill. And even if the Republicans are able to pull off an upset, there is no question that over the coming years government control over health will continue to grow.

Why? Consider the history of government involvement in health care.

In the 1960s there was a perception that some elderly were not receiving adequate health care. To meet this need, Congress passed Medicare. The same concern was voiced about the poor. To meet their need, Congress passed Medicaid.

The same concern was voiced about those too destitute (or too irresponsible) to buy health insurance, and in the '80s Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, forcing emergency rooms to treat anyone who needed medical attention, regardless of their ability to pay.

The same concern was voiced about parents who were too well off for Medicare, but who nevertheless couldn't meet their children's health care needs, and in the late '90s Congress passed the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

The message is clear: If you have a need, you are entitled to have it fulfilled at others' expense.

The reason we continue to move toward socialized medicine is that everyone — including the opponents of socialized medicine — grants its basic moral premise: that need generates an entitlement.

So long as that principle goes unchallenged, government intervention in medicine will continue growing, as each new pressure group asserts its need and lobbies for its entitlement, until finally the government takes responsibility for fulfilling everyone's medical needs by socializing the health care system outright.

Some believe you can stop this process midstream: The government will intervene only to help those in dire circumstances while otherwise leaving people responsible for their own health care. But that's an illusion. If need entitles one to the wealth and effort of others, then there is no logical reason why the government should restrict help to some small subset of the "needy," and refuse to help the rest.

The only way to effectively oppose socialized health care is to reject the morality of need in favor of a genuinely American alternative. According to the American ideal, — we are independent individuals with inalienable rights to support our own lives and happiness by our own efforts.

That means taking responsibility for your own medical needs, just as you take responsibility for your grocery shopping and car payments. It means no one can claim that his need entitles him to your time, effort, or wealth.

Where is the willingness to defend this ideal by saying, "Your health care is your responsibility — and if you truly cannot afford the care you need, then you must ask for private charity — not pick your neighbor's pocket to pay for it"?

Opponents of ObamaCare object that it is "too expensive," that the proposed bills are "too long," that Congress is moving "too fast" — conceding all the while that the goal of providing people with unearned health care is righteous.

But if forcing some Americans to provide unearned health care for others is noble, then is it any wonder that America keeps moving toward socialized medicine? Is it any wonder that, while Republicans loudly oppose Democratic attempts to expand government control over health care, they do not challenge the endless need-based interventions that already exist — and instead push for their own need-based programs (such as Bush's prescription drug entitlement)?

Those who truly want to fight against socialized medicine in America must realize that it's time to drop the morality of need and proudly say: I am not my brother's health care provider.

• Brook is the president of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, a division of the Ayn Rand Institute that promotes the philosophy of the author of "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead."

• Watkins is an analyst at the center.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Freddy's Memorial Jet

Due to no small small effort by our friend Commodore Hal Murdock,
the A-4 Skyhawk on display at our local park was painted with Uncle Fred's Attack Squadron colors and Logo and had his name painted on the cockpit also.
It looks sharp!

Living in Lemoore we love hearing the sound of Freedom in our sky
aka Jet Noise!
Go Navy!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is why I live here!

It is October 25 and 85 degrees outside!
Gotta love California!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

History Repeating Itself

"As soon as A observes something which seems to him to be wrong, from which X is suffering, A talks it over with B, and A and B then propose to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X. Their law always proposes to determine what C shall do for X, or in the better case, what A, B, and C shall do for X...
What I want to do is to look up C. I want to show you what manner of man he is. I call him the Forgotten Man. Perhaps the appellation is not strictly correct. He is the man who never is thought of...
He works, he votes, generally he prays--- But he always pays..."
William Graham Sumner,
Yale University, 1883

One of the best reads that I have had this year and on the whole, too close to the current reality.
I highly recommend it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Headed out to Chavez Ravine last week to watch Elder Ballard throw out the first pitch for Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium.

Several LDS notables were there also, including Peter Vidmar and his Olympic buddy Mitch "perfect 10 on the rings" Gaylord. Mitch still has it, he did a flip out on the field to the applause of everyone there.

Funny but none of Elder Ballard's family was down on the field with him. A daughter-in-law was trying to convince an usher that she needed to be down there to photograph the event for the family.
I laughed, like the usher hadn't heard that one before! (she didn't get down there) He did offer to take pictures for her though!

I didn't do too bad with my cheap little camera however.

I think I managed some decent shots.

And the video is not half bad if I can figure out just how to get it uploaded.

I was able to visit with our friends Hal and Stacie.
A good night all in all, even had a walk off home run for the Dodgers. (I'm not a big fan, but hey I can root for the home team. It's not like they were playing the Angels!) Any ball game is better than none!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

"That's What You Get For Wakin' Up In Vegas!"

Shelly and the girls headed out to attend a 2nd cousins wedding in SLC on Thursday whilst I headed south to see Elder Ballard throw out the first pitch at the Dodgers Mormon night.
Shelly, upon arriving in Las Vegas that evening calls and says that the passenger side rear wheel is squealing.
At this time I am at the ball park and it has not begun to get too loud so I can hear her on the phone.
She has Farah hold the phone by the tire as she drives it and sure enough it is squealing badly.
I am now starting to think that I am going to have to make a rescue trip to Vegas.
Pep Boys says that the rear bearings are shot and the front ones don't look so good either.
It is now past 7:30 in the evening and Pep boys say that they can fix it in the morning after they get the parts in for it.
(Thank goodness for texting because at this point the game I was at was in full swing and there was not a place to be found where you could hear a phone conversation.)
I suggested that I should come and swap out vehicles and they could continue on even though I know that they don't like to travel in the truck. But they had assured Shelly that they would get it fixed in the morning first thing and they could be on their way.
Long story short.
They got the wrong parts not once but twice and it was after 7:00 pm Friday night before they actually got back on the road.
The girls were less than thrilled with this side trip.
At 2:00 am this morning they were in Nephi so I guess they might make the wedding after all, and since Shelly is actually DJing the reception all is ending well.
I am going back to work now so that I can pay for this little adventure.
So Everybody Better Dance!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Girls Camp

Girls camp was great.
Now if I could just get my own daughter to go.

Packing them in like sardines.

The George H.W. Bush Sequoia.
It took 14 girls to reach around it.

As part of my calling I got to go on the 4th year girls hike and overnite at this years camp.
3 miles down the canyon then 3 miles back up the next day. 2 1/2 hours going in and 5 coming out for a couple of the girls. With myself and Bishop Nelson carrying an extra pack each back up.
I am now a convert to "ultra lite" backpacking.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Big 40 is here!

This is Amy wishing for her first real pony!
That followed not too long after.
It was just yesterday.
Hope your today is just wonderful!
Love ya!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mormon Night

Ok L.A. family.

I have it on good authority that Elder Ballard will be throwing out the first pitch at the Dodger game on the 6th.
Although I will have to be wearing Angel Red I plan on attending anyway.
Anyone else going?

The New Religion

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites.

Check out article here

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Celebrating 45 years Clean and Sober

As you may or may not know I spend a good deal of time responding to power outages when I am on call. ( every third week of my life at this point)
I often run into customers who have been out for some time and have been making the best of a bad situation as they see it by imbibing on some adult beverages.
Often on arriving at these scenes I am invited to "have a beer, we won't tell the boss!"
I used to just respond that I don't drink, or I'm on the clock, or It goes against my religious beliefs.
These responses are generally met with "Oh, you can have one just this time!" or "Come on it's hot out! relax and have a cold one", or "Just one won't hurt."

Some time back instead of my usual response I took a different tack, I said "Thanks but I've been sober for 45 years now."
The reaction from people who are drinkers and already 3 sheets to the wind was hilarious to me. They said things like, "Wow, you go man!" "That is awesome, great will power!" "That is really commendable!" even, "I need to quit myself."
I have used this one several times now and not once has anyone even questioned my 45 years. They just always seem to admire my sobriety tenure.
Funny how people who might have a drinking problem admire those who have overcome the addiction and don't try to entice one to have a drink after learning this.

So yes, that's me working on 46 years being clean and sober.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Choral Diva

I have to congratulate and brag about my youngest at the same time!
Farah tried out this last week for her high school's Chamber Choir which is a small, but their most prestigious choral group.

After making call back's this last week she
was chosen as one of only 2 freshman to be selected for next year's group.
I think she has found something that she really loves.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

District Award of Merit

Congratulations to both Karen and Jeff who became recipients of the
District Award of Merit.
This means that they have been recognized by others in their local scout district for their exceptional contributions to scouting in their area.
I don't believe that I have ever seen a husband and wife be awarded this at the same time.
Truly exceptional, and shows their dedication to scouting.

Now they get to add this knot to their collection.
Well done both of you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In With The New

January came and I decided that I really wanted to expand my appreciation and knowledge for some different things in life.
Besides reading more books, (which is a great way to do this actually) I wanted to experience something new, learn about something new, and actually appreciate something new.
This would have to do with music.

Now I like to think that I have a somewhat broad taste in music, I particularly love rock music from all the decades, Doo- Wop to Motown, R&B to Southern Boogie, Hard Rock and Soft Rock; and (My guilty pleasure of the early 80's, Michael Jackson's Thriller album, rather unacceptable in my hard rock high school days. Listen to Pop? No way! Big Hair bands all the way!)
I liked the New Wave sound, from the Talking Heads and Elvis Costello to Level 42 and New Order.
Having pre-teen girls a few years back I got drug into the whole Boy Band thing, and yes, I have seen the Backsteet Boys in concert.
Angry girl bands have been popular lately. My girls, the iTune queens are getting a step or two ahead of me these days with the new stuff for their ipods, although when one say's "Hey dad, did we get the new Pink song?" I say,"Yah, I got it already."
In the last few years I have taken to Evanescence, the Kaiser Chiefs, MCR, and I even got hooked on a catchy little song by HIM of all bands awhile back.
And of course, I will go see Rush until the day they stop touring.
That said, I come back to the original reason for this post.

You know how it is when you sit in fast and testimony meeting and you listen to a new convert who is on fire with their new testimony of the gospel and they want to share it with everyone?
That is how I feel now about my new music passion. It's not something that has come naturally to me. In fact I probably needed the 45 years of maturity to get to this point. Now I am definitely at that point and I can't get enough.
I really owe it to my SiriusXM radio. I can listen to it whenever I am in my truck, (I spend a lot of time in my work truck) and the station is XM79 Met Opera Radio.
That's right opera.
I hardly listen to any other stations at this point in time.
The Met broadcasts several live operas throughout the week and the hostess does a wonderful job of explaining what is happening in each upcoming act.
I have discovered that I rather enjoy the Italian and German operas more that the ones in English (now I want to learn Italian) . I actually can understand quite a bit of the Italian ones due to my spanish/latin link.
I have several favorites now starting with Donizetti's "L'Elisir d'Amore",

Dvorak's "Rusalka",(sung in Czech)

Verdi's "Aida","Macbeth", and "Il Travatore",

Puccini's "Tosca" and of course "La Boheme"

Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"

Mozart's "The Magic Flute" and "The Marriage of Figaro"

Just to name a few.
Now I come home and look up new ones that I hear during the day and read biographies of composers.

So I say jump in with both feet! Don't wait 'til your 45! There is a reason that this music and singing style has withstood the test of time, it's rich, deep, layered, sad, funny, serious, and profoundly beautiful.

And yes I have several books on opera now.
Along with a whole new genre on my iPod.

I have to leave off now.
I have a listening appointment with my Met Opera radio.

Did you ever have an addiction that was passed on to you?
I blame Heather for this one.
Passing on to me a show that only has half a season to it's credit!
The nerve!
And now there will never be more and I am hooked.
A better mix of SciFi and Western I have not seen.
Thank goodness for ebay, now I have my own dvd's of it.
Gor ram show!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deal of the Week

Ok, here is a worth while entry.
I have been actively seeking out emergency prep deals
and here is one.
This is a one month supply for 3 people.
You can check it out on Ebay at this item number

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


It just goes to show that you just can't be too careful with forwarded emails.
Lesson: Do your own research. The phrase "even the very elect" comes to mind.
As soon as I put it on the blog I get an e-mail showing the "Urban Legend" side of the previous post. The brother who got us all talking of this apologized and now so do I.
Just shows what can happen when you jump to conclusions and try to take your leaders there too.

However it was also pointed out that the websites are legit, both the church's and the Govt. So use the info that is there and take it for what it is worth.
It's still good to be prepared. But stirring people up to do it with "urban legends" is not the way.


This was a topic of discussion at our last HC meeting.
I thought it was worth passing it along if for no other reason than to help prod us along on getting our 3 month supply going at least and the one year after that.
I don't believe in raising a panic flag but I do believe in being prepared and following the Lord's counsel in being ready for whatever will come our way. So take it for what it is worth.

This isn't to scare anyone - just to provide a 'heads up' as 'to be
forewarned is to be forearmed.' "


The government also had a website:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ensign (not pronounced en-sign)

Ok, I know I am probably the last one to see it, but I'm using it to post anyway.
So, did everyone see the picture of Mary and Genieve in the Ensign?
I thought it was a great moment captured.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ember Rose Is Here! And I'm An Uncle Again!

Notice that I am the first one to get a picture of Steve with his daughter, he is usually behind the camera!
She's Gorgeous!
I'm braggin' cause I got to be there when she got home from the hospital!

And despite what Drake says, she's all Heather and Steve's.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pray for the POTUS elect!

All five of you who actually read this blog know what my political leanings tend to be. To say that I am not a big fan of the incoming POTUS is not a far reach on my part. Then again I was not a big fan of his political opponent in the last election either. More and more I believe I am becoming a political athiest, but that's a topic for another post.
Which brings me to the reason for this post.
I now truly feel sorry for Mr. Obama and my heart goes out to him in this matter of grave concern.
To see why, you can read here.
And may our prayers be with him.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Let Me Be The First!

Congratulations Bishop Bob!
We know you"ll do great!

In the Dark!

Am I the only one us who did not know that our cousin Jonathon passed away six months ago?
How is it that nobody talks about this in our family?
I would of at least liked to have had the option to have attended his funeral.