Wednesday, March 04, 2009


This was a topic of discussion at our last HC meeting.
I thought it was worth passing it along if for no other reason than to help prod us along on getting our 3 month supply going at least and the one year after that.
I don't believe in raising a panic flag but I do believe in being prepared and following the Lord's counsel in being ready for whatever will come our way. So take it for what it is worth.

This isn't to scare anyone - just to provide a 'heads up' as 'to be
forewarned is to be forearmed.' ",11666,8041-1-4414-1,00.html

The government also had a website:


Amy Girl said...

Our RS lesson on the first of last month was about preparedness. The sister who gave the lesson is friends with Susan. Interesting info. We are getting more prepared here in these parts. I just finished a book called "The Unthinkable - who survives disasters and why". I throughly enjoyed it.

D. Scott said...

That sounds like a book I'd like to read

Phoebe said...

We have been hearing a lot about this here as well. I have to admit-it's a stressful thought!

Shelly said...

Hey, you posted this... good job, and thank you! :)